Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us for any questions you might have in relation to our business, Swiss wines in general or about this website. We welcome any comments and/or suggestions. We would also love to get referrals about where to place our wines. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for visiting us online. If you would like to purchase Swiss wines, beer or eaux-de-vie, please contact us and we will explain to you how to go about it.

+1 (608) 334-2616

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If you want to be notified about upcoming tastings, events, and new arrivals send us an email at info (at) swisscellars (dot) com and we will add you to the exclusive Swiss Cellars list where we will keep you informed with only infrequent mails and we will never Spam you or sell your address. Our mailing list members also receive occasional “mailing list only” exclusive offers and wine tips.